• About


    Janice's Accessories 簡愛

    broken image





    無論您否一位特別愛美的女生, 總會希望每天來一點點的不同, 為生活帶來一點點驚喜!


    無需跟隨別人的腳步, 只需按自己個性, 按自己心情

    在我們的彩色的耳環裡, 您一定可以找到自己所愛.


    這就是Janice's Accessories 為大家精心蒐羅最簡簡單單的愛 !



    The world needs more color

    Best Color, Best Mood!

    who loves beauty & always hopes to make a slight difference in every day and bring a little surprise to life!

    Accessories is the best choice.

    No need in trends, just follow your own style and your own mood.

    You are sure to find something you like in our colorful earrings’ world.


    This is the simplest loves that Janice's Accessories has collected for everyone!